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Community Presentations

NEW FOR 2025...

Change your life in '25 

5 minute wellbeing workshop

Behaviour change is difficult, we've all tried it, you probably set yourself a New Years Resolution at the start of the year, how did that go?  Research shows that under 10% of resolutions continue into February!  Why is it so hard to make lasting change when we know what we should be doing? 


During this interactive presentation you will learn how to make changes in your life through committing to just 25 mins per day.  Combine this with over 20 tools or 'hacks' that you can use to improve your general Health and Wellbeing and you have the power to take control and make a difference in your life. 

Commas & Full Stops

Commas and fullstops wellbeing workshop

This presentation explores the tools and strategies that can be used in everyday life to enhance our wellbeing and make us more resilient.


Commas and Fullstops challenges the audience to consider how their daily habits effect their current state, and provides easy yet effective ways to manage wellbeing on a daily basis. 


Steve explores the relationship between colleagues, communities and an individuals wellbeing, providing many strategies that can enhance peoples working, community and personal life. 

Happiness - its more than just a mood

Happiness is a state of emotional wellbeing, synonymous with a good life, positivity and meaning. 


This presentation covers how wellbeing and resilience contribute to happiness and the practical tools that we as individuals, and as members of a community, can utilise in order to help ourselves and each other.  â€‹


By discovering the differences between hedonic and eudaimonic happiness (we prefer to call them type 1 and type 2 fun) you can increase, right now, the time you spend smiling each day. 

Happiness wellbeing presentation & workshop

This presentation explains the research on how our workplace effects our wellbeing and what we can do to improve it.  Focussing on evidence based tools and strategies you will get to experience all ten ideas and decide for yourself which are the best fit for you! 

10 ideas for wellbeing @ work

Wellbeing & resilience Presentation

Timing & Pricing
Presentation's lasts for 1.5 hrs as an interactive workshop, although this can be reduced to 1 hr if needed.
Cost - $1250+GST plus travel, no maximum on audience size
Full or half day workshops are also available, please make contact to discuss what works for you. 

© 2023 by Steve Hodkinson.

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